Saturday, December 18, 2021

Charles Harmon

Santa's Miracle Experiment

“Twas the month before Christmas and Santa was getting nervous.

He and his dwarves were running out of ideas for new toy inventions

and the toy companies had the same complaint. Then a brainstorm!

Why not ask the customers what they really want and for their ideas?

So, the word went out to schools and teachers and kids around the world

of Santa’s wonderful miracle experiment! Invent something!!!

In Edinburgh young Al learned from his dad, a teacher of the deaf, and

got the idea to invent a “hearing aid” to help those who were hard of hearing.

Years later after moving to America he got the chance, and after fiddling

with wires, magnets, batteries and such he invented a gadget to help his deaf

students hear better. Why not lengthen the wires and strengthen the batteries

and speak with someone in the next room? The next house, the next city,

back home in Scotland? And so, the telephone was born!

Maria Sklodowska, daughter of impoverished Polish schoolteachers, was

inspired by her parents with a love for science. However, women were not

allowed to attend university there in those days, and so she moved to Paris

where her work won two Nobel prizes, one in chemistry, another in physics.

To this day she is the only person to have won two Nobels in science. Her

discovery of the element Radium helped treat cancer and save lives.

Scrawny young Elon grew up in South Africa but was bullied as a child,

taking refuge in computers and dreams of inventions and travel to Mars.

After emigrating to America, he began inventing all sorts of things,

including electric cars named for his hero, Nikola Tesla, another eccentric

genius (and poet!) from Serbia who came to New York and created dozens

of new toys, including radio, although Marconi patented that first. 

Betty Nesmith Graham was such a bad typist she was in danger of being fired.

So, she invented Liquid Paper to save her job, then developed it into a 

multi-million-dollar company, creating jobs for thousands. She gave half her wealth

to charity and half to her son, Mike Nesmith, who then dropped out of his band,

The Monkees. Guess she was a real “Daydream Believer” 

Americans have invented more stuff in three hundred years than China in three thousand, 

and now Chinese immigrants come here for the freedom and the

opportunity to invent things, win Nobel prizes, and form startup businesses.

As do folks from all over the world. The difference is that in the past your

inventions, produce, money, land, and life itself belonged to the emperor, the

king, the local warlord or dictator or robber baron. The State. 

But now we get to keep at least part for ourselves. Creating more jobs and opportunities for all.

Unless we go back to the past where the government owns and controls everything, 

including our minds. Killing creativity and Freedom.

So let’s help Santa create new toys and invention with your miracle experiments! 

Get to work, invent something, write a poem, a song.

Get creative, get procreative, have a baby! Heck yeah, have two or three!

Teach our children well or the world will go to hell!


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