Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Ken Scott

Miraculous Words

In profound silence, I spread my arms, my hands, like wings.

I feel the ocean currents of space lifting me, carrying me.

I walk effortlessly upon the voice of the heavens,

my thoughts, a single thread of concentration.

There are brilliant words of color and splendor,

living words as small as atoms and as large as galaxies.

These words are pure Meaning, the Vortex of Life,

the Universe within the Universe,

the Substance of all reality. Everything has a Meaning,

from the smallest grain of dust to the Throne of the Most High.

To understand the Meaning is to truly understand.

Hope is nothing more than experience waiting to be.

We write the poetry of both our experiences and our hopes,

experience being the path we have already traveled,

and hope being the path we have yet to travel;

but they are both paths of equal reality,

words filled with Substance, Meaning.

To comprehend poetry is to Live.

Never be afraid to write awesome, miraculous words of hope.

Never hesitate to fly. Soon,

my words shall carry me across the skies

and to the stars. My words shall enable me

to walk upon the shores of distant worlds.

 From "Various Works by Kenneth Irving Scott, Jr. (Volume 22)"

Copyright (c) 2004, Kenneth Irving Scott, Jr., All Rights Reserved

13 February 2004

The Path of Immortality

We dream the dreams of immortality,

but we entertain the nightmares of insanity,

our journey to distant galaxies horrendously cut short by

our own stubborn avarice, our own drives to viciously exploit the weak,

our own lusts for lies, and our own obsessive impulses to steal, kill,

and destroy,

binding us to the lonely confines of our own planet Earth,

our own solar system,

like heavily weighted prison chains. We are at a crossroads

between Transcendence and extinction,

and we have much to overcome before we can Inherit

Supernatural Existence, Miraculous Empowerment, and Immortality.

We must always bring forth Peace, Brotherhood, Compassion, and Love

while there is breath in our nostrils,

for the Greatest of Truths Resides in these,

indeed, the Ability to Transcend the mundane and

Inherit the Perfect Pattern of Cosmic Wisdom

will likewise be found there. Are we willing to mortify

our own ten-thousand-year-old habits of malicious corruption

in order to move the mountains, walk the seas, travel the galaxies,

and live forever? The Path of Immortality

begins with one faithful step.


"Blessed [are] they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness:

for they shall be filled."

 From "Various Works by Kenneth Irving Scott, Jr. (Volume 27)"

Copyright (c) 2005, Kenneth Irving Scott, Jr., All Rights Reserved

2 January 2005

Simple Dreams

Numerous skeptics constantly say that human levitation is simply impossible,

that man was never meant to fly.

Any child can tell you that man was not meant to fly,

but rather,

to soar above the clouds of impossibility,

to transcend these physical boundaries of limitation,

indeed, to ascend into the realms of infinite capability.

When one's sleep is filled with dreams of flight without aircraft,

where the mind renders the body weightless and soars above the mountains,

such dreams are never in vain.

Oftentimes the simple dreams of innocent children

confound the complex knowledge of educated skeptics.

The physical mind cannot comprehend the myriad Rivers of countless Words

which are the very Substance of all the Universe and everything in it.

But the Spiritual Mind can.

 From "Various Works by Kenneth Irving Scott, Jr. (Volume 30)"

Copyright (c) 2005, Kenneth Irving Scott, Jr., All Rights Reserved

25 July 2005

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