Saturday, December 18, 2021

Patricia Murphy


It's the miracle of Christmas.

When  I go to the bank to make a withdrawal

To pay Radomir's bills and I can't because I've 

Already made too many and the bank

Won't let me.  

Then the next week a check for over the

Amount I need appears suddenly in

Radomir's mailbox. 

It's a miracle.

Make no mistake, we still need money for 

rent and living expenses in 2022.

When I answer a phone call and

It's from someone I haven't talked

To in six months.   

It's a miracle.

I haven't seen but heard from staff

At Grand Valley Healthcare Center meetings that Radomir

Whom doctor's said would never 

Walk again a year ago, and now 

He is walking doing physical therapy 

Three times a week for ten to fifteen minutes. 

It's a miracle. 

When after calling Paramedics on November 27, 2020

And seeing Radomir going alone to 

Henry Mayo Hospital in Valencia, California, and 

The nurse telling me on the phone 

He has a Sepsis infection 

And is going to die, and then his being 

Totally healed from Sepsis.   

It's a miracle.

When I pray that serious ailments 

I've recently been diagnosed with,

And hopefully they disappear 

Without any surgery.

It's a miracle.

When I get a part in a major

Motion picture after going on 

Audition after audition and hear 

From my agent: "They want 

You Patricia.  You've booked it. 

You've got this!"  

It's a miracle.


The experiment of Christmas. 

Experimenting with new ideas and life itself. 

Experiencing new adventures mostly on my own. 

Living one day at a time. 

Spending time with loved ones. 

Visiting my fiance four to five times a week. 

Going with him to every Doctor's appointment

Sometimes six in one week.  

Having conversations with myself 

To keep my sanity. 

Being grateful for the experiment of love.

Life is an experiment. 

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